Iceland 2015: Skyscapes

We had really good weather for October, it could have poured continually but instead we had glorious sun! Don’t get me wrong it was FREEZING COLD, but the sky was absolutely incredible. It looked like someone had spilt the pastel colours of their paintbox in the sky.


Sky being one of my main painting subjects, I now have enough milage to last few for a long time! I found that oil paint was a good medium to be able to manipulate the paint into the smooth clouds and a perfectly clear blue expanse of colour.

Suouland, Oil On Canvas
Suouland 1

Nordic Sky, Oil On Canvas
Nordic Sky

We were up and out before sunrise every morning which I would highly recommend doing as the light and colours are unlike any other you see in any other part of the day. I stood on the ice beach in Austurland and was torn between watching the sun rise over the sea and the light slowly appearing over the snow-capped mountains behind me.

Iceland: Ice Beach Sunrise from Lydia Orange on Vimeo.

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