Iceland Project 2.0: Watercolour Brush Pens

Good morning, afternoon or evening depending on what time of the day you stumble upon this post 🙂 I have had a great few days experimenting with pens for my Iceland trip. The Japanese Pentel Brush Pen is definitely a winner and is coming with me, I now just need to order a million ink … Read more

Categories Art

Iceland 2.0: Inky Mountains

Hello! Today I’m back with the Pentel Brush Pen and I have been looking at how to use the techniques from my previous session. I found that I love the way I can use different line weights with this pen, the ink flows so well that it can move between very fine lines to heavier … Read more

Iceland Project 2.0: Working With Ink Pens

So, the journey begins and I need to think about the kind of work I want to be making once I get back from my trip to Iceland. My initial ideas are big oil landscapes full of texture and small Ink sketches of mountains on textured paper. So today, I started with the Ink. Japanese … Read more

Categories Art

Iceland Project 2.0: So It Begins

Ever since going to Iceland in 2015, I’ve been dreaming and scheming to get myself back there. It was one of the most life-changing 3 days of my life and to this day, 6 years later I am still creating work from the landscapes, skyscapes, and colours I saw. Glaciers, lagoons, black sand, dark blue … Read more

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